MedRedux Transformative Medicine

Your health and safety are our top priorities.

At LWell, we are redefining the weight loss landscape by prioritizing a personalized and holistic approach that sets us apart from conventional methods. Our MedRedux team, consisting of experts specializing in food-first nutrition and behavioral change, is led by Dr. Kelly Bradley, MD, ensuring that the highest standard of care guides your transformative journey.

Unlike generic weight loss programs, we acknowledge the uniqueness of each individual’s needs and offer convenient in-person appointments. The MedRedux program includes three distinct options and a post-program choice for healthy maintenance, providing a flexible and tailored solution for every journey.

Trust LWell to redefine your weight loss experience – not through a one-size-fits-all mentality but through a thoughtful, individualized, and expertly guided journey toward a healthier you.

Here’s How It Works


Begin your personalized weight loss program by scheduling a medical appointment with Dr. Kelly Bradley for your comprehensive weight loss consultation. Together, you will determine the most suitable treatment plan. Dr. Bradley does not accept insurance for this $100 medical consultation.


Tailored Treatment Options

Dr. Bradley specializes in pharmaceutical support for weight loss. She will evaluate whether weight loss medications are suitable for you. 

If interested in medications, you have two options:

  • If your insurance covers medications, we can process them through your insurance. 
  • If your insurance doesn’t cover medications, we can work with you to develop a budget-friendly plan.

Your Success, Our Commitment

  • LWell prioritizes your safety and success. We are a local team of healthcare providers dedicated to supporting you throughout your journey.
  • No teledocs – you have all the support you need conveniently right here in Williamsburg.

The Path to Significant Weight Loss

  • If you decide to proceed with weight loss medications, enroll in LWell’s highly effective 12-week program.
  • Weekly check-ins and ongoing medication analysis ensure your success and prevent potential side effects.
  • Medications can be conveniently provided on-site at LWell or at your local pharmacy.
  • Optional: Personalized sessions with our LWell registered dietitian to customize and tweak your program for sustainable success.
  • Daily wellness content, weight loss tips, food plans and messaging over the LWell app allow you to be in as much contact as you need to support your success
  • Optional: Add a personal training element to increase your physical activity and bolster your commitment to lasting success.
  • Our experienced and successful team of local providers in Williamsburg is dedicated to your safe and sustainable success.
Weight Loss Clinic


In May of 2023, I started my weight loss journey (for the hundredth time). My doctor had recommended LWell nutrition, because she knew I could use the one-on-one coaching I would receive.

My team at the weight loss clinic with Dr Bradley worked through all my questions regarding semaglutide medication. My nutritionist Caroline, is always available and has a game plan for maximizing my weight loss and combating any potential side effects that I might experience.
Within a few weeks, I began to notice a difference. I was eating less and feeling fuller longer. I also had more energy which made me actually want to exercise.
The weight started to come off. Nine months later I have lost nearly 70 lbs and have maintained nearly all my muscle mass, as well as went from pre diabetic to falling in the normal range with my A1C.
My journey is far from over at this point, but I do know that I will reach my goals with the help I have received from Dr. Bradley, Caroline, and the entire team at LWell nutrition . They have taught me about mindful eating and strategies for meal planning and how to optimize my weight loss through strength training.
This team has given me the ability to lose the weight but also the skill set to keep it off in the future. I have gained a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, and self care practices that will stay with me for years to come.
Thank You
Linda McKeoun

Choose a program that’s right for you!

MedRedux Signature Plan
  • 12 weekly injections  
  • 12 weekly check-ins/weight-ins which include biometrics & body composition
  • Monthly visit with Dr. Kelly Bradley to discuss your progress  
  • Coaching support always available via the LWell app  
  • Group chat with others via the LWell app 
  • Personalized welcome kit to include meal plans, bento box, food lists, & portion control tips 
  • $2,000 paid in advance or (3) $699 monthly installment 



MedRedux Signature Light Plan
  • 6 injections – every 2 weeks  
  • 12 weekly check-ins/weight-ins which include biometrics & body composition
  • Monthly visit with Dr. Kelly Bradley to discuss your progress  
  • Coaching support always available via the LWell app  
  • Group chat with others via the LWell app 
  • Personalized welcome kit to include meal plans, bento box, food lists, & portion control tips 
  • $1,200 paid in advance or (3) $399 monthly installment 



Insurance Based Plan

Prior to your medical consultation with Dr. Bradley, we recommend you contact your insurance company to determine what medications, if any, are covered by your plan.  

If your insurance pays for your medication, we can coordinate the pre-authorizations and you can still get great support from the LWell weight loss team for best results! 

  • Coordination of pre-authorization for medication pick up at pharmacy 
  • Monthly visit with Dr. Kelly Bradley to discuss your progress  
  • 12 weekly check-ins/weight-ins which include biometrics & body composition
  • Coaching support always available via the LWell app  
  • Group chat with others via the LWell app 
  • Personalized welcome kit to include meal plans, bento box, food lists, & portion control tips 
  • Monthly subscription of $99



Book a consultation with Kelly Bradley, MD

  • 30-minute chart review appointment to determine if medication or supervised supplementation is appropriate.
  • $100 consultation fee


Post Program Maintenance

Did you finish your 12-week program with our MedRedux team or another weight loss program.  If so, we can provide continued support and guidance in your weight loss journey. 

  • Weekly check-ins/weight-ins which include biometrics and body composition 
  • Coaching support always available via the LWell app 
  • Group chat with others via the LWell app  
  • Intro Kit to include meal plans, bento box, food lists, and portion control tips 
  • Monthly membership of $49 

For current MedRedux patients you are eligible for major discounts on weight loss medication:  

  • If you upgrade to a weekly shot, the monthly membership fee is waived! 
  • Medication as low as $59 a shot! 


Personal Training

Add a personal training element to your weight loss journey to bolster your long term success in weight management. Includes:

  • Discovery Phase: Submit a detailed training questionnaire to your coach.
  • Schedule a 30-minute consultation to review your exercise background and goals over video chat or phone call.
  • Online Training Log: Upload your workouts and communicate with your trainer.
  • Unlimited communication with your trainer through the LWell App. Your coach will be with you every step of the way as you train toward your goals.
  • 3 customized workouts per week!
  • Your training will always be built with consideration of any life constraints you might have. We get it, you’re busy and likely have other things going on in your life.
  • only $97/month


Other Services

Lipo Mino shot – $25  ORDER HERE

Meet Our Team of Dedicated Weight Loss Experts!

Rosemary Hutcherson

Kelly Bradley, MD

Caroline Fornshell

Caroline Fornshell, MS, RDN, CDE, NASM-CPT

Kate Langbehn, MS, RDN

Kate Langbehn, MS, RDN

Caroline Fornshell

Nasreen Rehmani, RD, CLT, CPhT

Katelyn Brockmiller RDN

Katelyn Brockmiller, RDN

Rosemary Hutcherson

Kara Natchus, RDN

Scott Holmes MA, RDN

Scott Holmes, MA, RDN

Does this sound familiar?

“I just need a do-over. Wrangling my job and kids at home through the pandemic caused me to gain a ton of weight. I’d feel so much better if I could fit into my clothes again. I am not on a healthy path, and my outer self does not represent my inner self. I want to look as good as I feel, but I want to feel amazing. I want my old self back!” 


Get your old self back, and feel amazing with lasting results. The Signature weight loss program allows you to use your insurance for medications if your policy covers or use cost-effective and safe versions of medications in-house. See the FDA-approved pharmacy certifications, and feel as safe as we do about these effective medications! 

Get on Track

Call to schedule your appointment with an LWell dietitian and get on track to better health.

(833) 516-0454

1309 Jamestown Road, Suite 102
Williamsburg, VA 23185

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